2020 was an ‘interesting’ year of uncertainty, change and limitations. This year, try turning your intention to work on your wellness. Wellness is a big buzzword; thrown around more than a towel in a tumble dryer and marketed here, there and everywhere. While 'health' is a widely understood word, ‘wellness’ isn't as clear cut. You only have to tap it into your search engine to uncover the many ways this word lands.

What is Wellness
While there’s no all-agree definition, the powers that be acknowledge wellness is a choice and an intention that needs nurturing. It's a state and a process that embraces mind, body and soul. To be your best self – staying well is an active pursuit; a positive spin on all aspects of life. Choices, activities and lifestyle all makeup holistic health. And while wellness is mostly an individual responsibility, it’s also affected by your social, physical and cultural context.
Width of Wellness
Wellness is an all-pervasive beast and affects all corners of being. Here are eight dimensions to delve into.

It's all about what you think, feel and do; how you name and accept your good and bad feelings, and manage stress. Be mindful and stay in the now, grow your relationships, lean to the positive and smile loads. Work/life balance is critical, as is getting good zzzzz's.

How do you make meaning and purpose? Religion, meditation or yoga or all three? Stay true to your values and beliefs and practice affirmations, acceptance and forgiveness. Look at how your past shapes your present and keep exploring and unpacking your inner self.

Optimal body health is everyone's goal. Diet, exercise and self-control help steer you to wellness. Eat a good brekky, get regular checkups and prioritise sleep. Moderate your fats, sugar, salt, and alcohol intake and stay smoke-free. Remember – you know your body best.

Stay connected and surround yourself with kindreds who get you and lift you. Get involved in your communities: school, work, neighbours. Make time to see people and listen well. Don't keep things to yourself, be open to new friends and have some belly laughs.

Challenge yourself and keep your brain buzzing with new skills and hobbies. Keep learning, experience new cultures, places and languages. Read, learn an instrument and get creative. Develop your worldview, opinions and ideas, but listen to other people’s views too.

How do you regard, respect and protect your world? Strive to live in harmony with the environment: recycle and conserve electricity and water use. Get outdoors: walk, hike or bike your way around. And don't forget your reusable shopping bag and water bottle.

Working at what you love brings joy and a sense of accomplishment and contribution. Set goals for professional development and explore how you can up your productivity while maintaining balance. Foster strong work relationships, innovation and collaboration.

Autonomy is key; understand how you manage, budget, spend, save and invest. Keep credit under control, try to pay off loans, always have extra money for a rainy day and buy your big items on sale. Focus on retirement and make time to set long and short-term goals.

All Impacting
When life is smooth-sailing, we can exist on autopilot with no obstacles or challenges. But real life throws us all curveballs and dead ends. Learning to maintain wellness during the ups and the downs is vital. By optimising wellness across all areas of life, you can be the tiptop version of you. Firing on all wellness cylinders will see you through all the calm and all the chaos.

Home Sanctuary
Encourage wellness at home with numerous ways to nurture yourself. Nothing creates good feels like lighting a Kakadu Plum and Bush Cucumber Hunter Matilda Candle. Aromatherapy is also healing; burn the Perfect Potion – Mindfulness Trio Kit in our Ultrasonic Diffuser and let the calm permeate your room. Meditate each day to stay strong and centred and show your body love by treating yourself to a Salt by Hendrix – Rose and Acai Face Mask.
Put a wellness plan in your intention for 2021. Get in the right groove with a little something from our Wellness Edit.