On June 8, it’s time to go deep. Ocean deep. World Oceans Day brings together watery enthusiasts from all over the globe for a day of action. Even though every day is an opportunity to work passionately to protect the blue planet, this day presents a wealth of ways to be ocean active. Our magnificent depths aren’t just beautiful; they’re also integral to our survival. So jump in and make a splash.

The protection and restoration of our ocean environments is front and centre. World Oceans Day has become a responsive, worldwide movement. In 2020, we want to give a holler to the head honchos; calling on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. That’s only a decade to undo a lot of damage. Complete with a catchy shorthand, 30x30, is a critical initiative looking to ensure the ocean remains and in some cases, returns, to being a safe home for all marine life. This is done by preserving a minimum of 30% of our oceans by establishing a network of highly secured areas. A lot goes on under there; the whole ecosystem, from the Plankton to the Blue Whale, is an intricate web of life. This people-powered push is a collaboration of leaders across 140 countries who supply resources to facilitate action. At the same time, The World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council encourages youth participation; empowering younger generations to act on their ocean-love.

With a focus on conservation action – show your admiration for the salty soup and all its inhabitants. Gather, friends, the fam and your community, and start working towards healthier oceans. The ocean is for everyone, so it’s gonna take a global village to restore it. To stop the extinction of one million species, scientists say we need half the planet in its natural state. Let that sink in. But scientists aren’t enough. Knowing is one thing, doing is another. And that’s where you come in.

Big or small, every action is essential, and there are plenty of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas to get your mind swimming! You can plan, list or find an event, or add your name to the 30x30 for Nature Petition to champion sustainable, ocean-friendly choices. If you’re looking to light the conservation zeal in the next-gen or amplify action through art, film screenings and music – get busy. Grab your besties and create or take part in a festival to honour the ocean. Sponsor an online presentation or reading about all things under the sea by an environmental educator, torchbearer or scientist.
The best way to advocate for the ocean is to start in your coastal backyard. Take your initiative right to the water by hosting a community cleanup. Use the hashtags, #DharmaBumsActive and #WorldOceanDay to show us what ocean-loving action you’re taking.
Lastly, financial support speaks loudly. Please donate to The Ocean Foundation; joining forces with a multitude of organisations and individuals to rehabilitate and safeguard our oceans. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a part in preserving healthy oceans and the humans and aquatic life that depend on them.